Seedling Wilt: Fusarium sp., Colletotrichum sp.,and Rhizoctonia
Leaf rot: Cylindrocladium quinquiseptatum
Last Spot, Twig Blight and Flower Bud shedding: Gloeosporium gleosporioides
1. Seedling Wilt: Cylindrocladium sp., Fusarium sp., Colletotrichum sp., Rhizoctonia sp., and Trichoderma sp
Seedling wilt is found mainly in nurseries and causes five to 40% death of seedlings. Leaves of affected seedlings loose natural lustre, tend to droop and ultimately die.
The root system and collar region of the seedling show varying degrees of, discolouration and decay.
2. Leaf rot: Cylindrocladium quinquiseptatum
It is noticed in the nurseries as well as in the main field both at young and mature stages.
Infection starts as dark spots at the leaf margin and spreads sometimes with no definite pattern.
Rotting may be in the whole leaf or at the tip resulting in defoliation.
3. Last Spot, Twig Blight and Flower Bud shedding: Gloeosporium gleosporioides
Necrotic spots of variable size and shapes are noticed on the leaves.
Severely affected leaves wither, droop down and dry up.
In nursery seedlings die back symptoms are seen. Twigs are infected as the symptoms extend from the leaves through petioles.
The affected branches stand without leaves or only with young leaves at tips. Flower buds are attacked by spreading infection from the twigs.
Shedding of flower buds occurs during periods of heavy and continuous rainfall.
Spraying 0.25% Copper oxychloride at monthly interval reduces disease intensity, defoliation and flower bud shedding.
Initial spray is given just prior to flower bud formation and continued till the harvest of buds.